Conflict Minerals Policy / Compliance with the 2010 Dodd Frank Act

Wirco, Inc. values its reputation as a high-quality, responsible supplier that does business with companies that share our dedication to ethical business practices and compliance with the law. We share your commitment to avoid contributing to human rights violations in the DRC or anywhere else in the world, and we have policies in place to prevent the use of conflict minerals in our product, and to address any possible concerns that our customers may have in regards to complying with the SEC’s regulations on “conflict minerals”.

Wirco is aware of the recent SEC ruling associated with the Dodd-Frank Act in regards to conflict materials whose origin is the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its nine adjoining countries. Wirco, Inc. does not use or purchase any “conflict minerals”, including cassiterite, coltan, tungsten, tantalum, tin, wolframite, and gold, from the DRC or adjoining countries. While Wirco, Inc. does supply some products made from tungsten-bearing metal, 100% of the tungsten used in our product is obtained from scrap and recycled material, which is currently exempt from this legislation and requires no additional burden of forensic documentation. In addition, all tungsten-bearing raw materials used by Wirco are procured exclusively from suppliers that share our commitment to the goals and ideals of the Dodd-Frank Act.

We look forward to exploring future business opportunities with you that address your compliance needs and expectations. If you have any further questions regarding “conflict minerals” due diligence reporting, please feel free to contact us.

Material Listing